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Get Involved

Volunteer Opportunities:

Family Selection, Family Support, Site Selection, Church Relations, Fundraising, Resource Development, Event Planning, Construction, and Land Acquisition.

Board Member
Auburn Opelika Habitat for Humanity is lead by a dedicated group of local Board of Directors. The Board serves terms in rotating groups, and each year we are looking for new leaders. If you know someone with talents, a willingness to serve, and a desire to help others, please review and share the Board member requirements attached below and contact for more information or nomination.

Board Member: Levels of Service
Board Member Expectation

Board of Directors:

Dan Hatcher, President
M.C McCarthy, Vice President
Tina Cook, Treasurer
Jessica Bowlin
Chris Clark
Matt Jones

James Kahler
Stephanie Kinnebrew
Dan Mason
Lee McInnis
Terry Mitchell
Karen Turner

Aaron Folta

Abbey Pace, Auburn University Panhellenic Board Advisory Member


Office Work
Mailings, copying, and staff support.

All areas/phases of Home Building.

Volunteers must be 16 or older to work on an active construction site, and must be 18 to operate equipment and do ladder work.


If you would like to be added to our volunteer email distribution list, please send an email request to the email below:

Once you are added to the list, you will receive regular updates on our volunteer opportunities. We ask that you only respond to these emails when you plan to join us on the worksite.

Call us:


Find us: 

605 2nd Avenue

Opelika, AL 36801

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