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In Loving Memory of Our Dear Friend, Dennis Fussell Jr:


  It is with deep sadness we share the loss of a dear friend and long time partner of the Habitat for Humanity Family, Dennis Fussell, Jr.

Dennis has helped us plan, permit and oversee the construction of Habitat for Humanity homes for more than 15 years in Auburn and Opelika. He began to help us build in 2009 with his framing crews and subcontractors. At a time when we were rebuilding our volunteer, donor, and support base he helped us build homes, community, and hope. Dennis and his team were a blessing to this organization during a time of restructure and rebuilding. The count of homes was about 50 then. Today, we are working towards home #77. Thank you to Builders like Dennis Fussell, Stone Martin Builders, Holland Homes, Lee Danielly and Geordan, Mike Hosey and David Hinson, and many other community partners who help us serve our community. We will all miss Dennis as a partner in the work that we do to help others and build up our community. Our community is a better place because of Dennis Fussell Jr We will all miss greatly his friendship and encouragement. Our hearts are broken at this time for his family and for the unexpected loss of our friend. We grieve.

But we grieve not without hope. I Thessalonians 4:13…

Memorial gifts to honor Dennis may be made to Samaritan’s Purse or Habitat for Humanity.

Donations to Habitat at:

Auburn Opelika Habitat for Humanity

605 2nd Av

Opelika, AL 36801


Please designate memorial for Dennis Fussell.




In Loving Memory of Our Dear Friend, Dr. Phillip D. Garrett:

Click the links below to view the obituary and the Memorial for Dr. Phillip D. Garrett.


Memorial Thoughts

How to Give

Bible Verse

In Loving Memory of Our Dear Friend, Michael Garrett:

Click the link below to view the obituary of Michael Garrett.


Memorial Thoughts

In Loving Memory of Our Dear Friend, Dr. Robert Lofton:

Click the link below to view the obituary of Dr. Robert Lofton.


Memorial Thoughts

In Loving Memory of Our Dear Friend, Richard Rogers:

Click the link below to view the obituary of Richard Rogers.


Memorial Thoughts

In Loving Memory of Our Dear Friend, Professor Roger Rice:

Click the link below to view the memoriam of Professor Roger Rice.


Habitat for Humanity - Memorial Sign (3)

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Find us: 

605 2nd Avenue

Opelika, AL 36801

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